Mobile Podiatry Practice that does Home Visits & accepts Medicare, United, AARP & other insurances.
Podiatrist Foot Doctor Home Health Care Visits House Calls Jupiter Juno Beach Tequesta Palm Beach Gardens Wellington Royal Palm Beach Singer Island Manalapan Concierge Podiatry Services Senior Assisted Independent Living Facilities & Nursing Rehab Centers

Palm Beach Podiatry Concierge VIP Rates
Palm Beach Podiatry Concierge offers convenient, unparalleled expertise and service in the comfort of your home, resort, or yacht. Our rates include a podiatric foot evaluation and routine foot care. Additional medical procedures performed at the time of the house call are in addition to the house call fee. Call or email us to inquire about rates for commonly performed procedures. Some medical insurances cover house call visits but many do not. In order to see if your insurance covers house call fees you must first be evaluated by a Registered Nurse. Otherwise, payment in full is to be rendered at the time of the podiatry visit. In most cases, Medicare will cover home visits if you qualify. If your insurance does not cover home care for podiatry and you would like to be seen in an office, we can help you schedule an appointment in a podiatry office near you. Call (561) 293-3439.
Ways to Pay:
Insurance: Clients may need to be evaluated by an RN previous to the first visit to determine if you meet criteria to be eligible to have your home visits covered by the insurance plans in which we participate. Our office can assist you in this process. If your insurance does not cover home podiatry visits and you would rather be seen by a podiatrist in an office setting, we can help you schedule an appointment in a podiatry office near you. Our podiatrists work out of several local podiatry offices in the area including Bonita Springs, Hollywood, Jupiter, Lake Worth, Miami, Naples, Palm Beach Gardens, Wellington, and West Palm Beach. Call (561) 293-3439.
Membership: Clients can become exclusive members of Palm Beach Podiatry Concierge to receive unlimited concierge home visits and information within 24-48 hours of your request. This unique and convenient service is available for a low monthly rate of $29.95 and is billed monthly via credit card. The visits and treatment are then paid for by insurance or the client at the self-pay rates below. Call (561) 293-3439.
Single-Visits: If the insurance option is not chosen, we can provide single, convenient concierge podiatry home visits on an as-needed basis with the following rates below. Call (561) 293-3439.

House Calls
Podiatric Foot Evaluation and Routine Footcare
- Initial visit $299 (unless covered by insurance)
- Follow up visit $149 (unless covered by insurance)
Additional Medical Procedures
- (inquire for rates)

Hotel Room Service
Podiatric Foot Evaluation and Routine Footcare
- $399
Additional Medical Procedures
- (inquire for rates)

Marina Service
Podiatric Foot Evaluation and Routine Footcare
- $499
Additional Medical Procedures
- (inquire for rates)